ICT Network Infrastructure Expansion

The ICT infrastructure and software of the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) has been expanded.


Project Benefits and Impact

The aim of the ICT Network Expansion Project is to achieve the modernisation of information and communication technology systems across the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) network of offices and their primary partners. The expansion enables real time access, accurate and up-to-date information that guides decision making. The expansion is also directed at delivering effective and efficient services contributing to the well-being of children and the families served.

Project Scope

With a budget of USD 1,250,840, the Expansion Project has either accomplished or aims to accomplish the following:

  • The procurement of equipment and services such as fibre optics, computers, switchboard and cabling to establish and improve local and wide area wireless networks.
    • This is in an effort incorporate over eighty-five (85) access points across the Residential Child Protection Sector, the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) parish offices and its Therapeutic Centre.


  • The establishment of internet-enabled Computer Resource Centres and Labs in Children Homes and Places of Safety to assist in the delivery of educational support services for children residing at such locations.


  • Incorporating the operations of the National Children’s Registry into the newly installed Child Case Management System (CCMS) software application.
    • This will allow for the electronic routing of information between the Registry and the team entrusted with the responsibility of investigating child abuse reports.


  • Facilitate software interfaces between the CPFSA and key partners that are engaged in the child protection sector.
    • This will enable the electronic sharing of information that will result in reduction in time spent gathering data while having access to adequate information to guide the decision-making process on behalf of a child and his/her family.


  • Creation and delivery of capacity development/training programme that will empower the human resource to execute duties effectively and efficiently.


  • The development and execution of change and culture realignment programme/strategies that prepare both staff, clients and stakeholders for changes in the new way of doing child protection business in Jamaica.


  • Creation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and other forms of documentation to be used as a point of reference for future enhancement.
    • The aim is to improve the functionalities of operating child protection practices and get them in line with pre-approved guidelines.
    • This will contribute to the maintenance of service standards which will drive continuity and used as a benchmark through which success can be measured.


  • 24-hour call centre equipped  with tools such as switchboards, screens, printers and computers.


  • National Children’s Registry (NCR) units in CPFSA parish offices Operation equipped with computers and printers at 11 locations.


  • Procurement of tools to screen, assess and to provide interventions for children served.


  • Establishment of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) solutions to enhance communication.


  • Procuring, retrofitting and equipping of one 35-seater Mobile Mental Health Unit (SMILES Mobile).


  • Procurement of Fixed Asset software either as a standalone package or a module of the existing Epicore Software (Accounting System) to automate the inventory of fixed assets operated by the CPFSA’s network of offices, transitional living spaces and government-run homes.


  • A preventative child care strategy developed dedicated at augmenting measures geared at preventing children from entering state care.


  • Procurement of experts to review, revise and implement a Behaviour Modification Programme for children in State care over a two-year period.


  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy developed, and ICT plan implemented.


  • Sensory stimulation equipment procured and implemented to create and strengthen therapeutic spaces to provide interventions for children residing at five (5) nursery homes.


  • Sensory room established at the Muirton Boys Home, located in the hills of Manchioneal, Portland, to aid in enhancing the therapeutic environment for children from the disabled community.