Fisheries Licensing and Registration System

Under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, trade facilitation and fisheries have been improved.

Trade Facilitation – Streamlining and reducing the multiplicity of inspections by BRAs using Enterprise Risk Management Software.

Fisheries – Integrated Licensing and registration information system.

Expected Project Benefits and Impacts

The implementation of a licence and registration system that is efficient, accurate, worldwide accessible, scalable and secure. The system will also provide a suitable platform for the recovery of costs and resources expended and will complement the new Fisheries Act.

Project Scope

With a budget of USD 1,200,000 and a timeline of 2018 – 2023, implementing government agency the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries seeks to achieve the following:

The platform will be a web-based application bringing together pertinent information on the stakeholders of the Jamaican fisheries sector, including commercial and recreational fishers and fish farmers, fish processors, vendors, importers and exporters of fishery products, vessel owners and equipment manufacturers and suppliers. Other agencies that will utilise this information via the platform include the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) and the National Environment and Protection Agency (NEPA). The project will incorporate the following activities:

  • Research and review the legislative, institutional, operational and stakeholder requirements for a registration and licensing system for fishers, fish farmers, fishing vessels and fish farms and other related facilities. The review process will include stakeholder consultations, detailed examination of the existing registration and licensing processes and regimes.
  • The development of the Systems Requirements Specifications (SRS) of the Licencing and Registration System. The purpose of the SRS is to define the specific requirements for the platform and to detail the specifications for the features, capabilities, critical attributes, and major characteristics of the proposed system.
  • Determine cost of the proposed SRS and provide options for cost/benefit analysis towards determining affordability of ideal versus essential system composition.
  • Software programme
  • Fisheries Division Staff Training
  • Collection of spatial data.
  • Upgrading building infrastructure at the Aquaculture Branch, and at the Black River and Montego Bay offices/outstations to Regional Offices.
  • After-project support.