A Vital Player in Shared Corporate Services Implementation

A Vital Player in Shared Corporate Services Implementation

By: Patrice Valentine, Change Management Specialist

Patrice Valentine, Change Management Specialist

Shared services is a delivery model used by organisations to consolidate similar business functions into a single unit that supports the entire organisation. The aim is to deliver those services in a cost effective and efficient manner. The model originated in the private sector but increasingly governments across the world have adopted the model to transform their operations. Jamaica has successfully completed pilots for human resource management, payroll, finance and accounts and internal audit and is expected to implement shared services as a permanent feature of government.

The introduction of shared services in the public sector creates a significant shift in the modus operandi of ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). Importantly, it will allow the MDAs to focus more on their core functions which should lead to better services to citizens. Achieving the intended outcomes hinges on effective change management for a smooth and beneficial rollout. Applying the key principles of Change Management to this rollout addresses three important areas:

  1. Managing employee resistance – Employees may fear job losses or be wary of new processes. Through transparent communication and continuous engagement, change management alleviates these fears by clearly articulating the benefits of shared services.
  2. Sustaining business continuity – A well-structured Change Management plan includes risk assessment and mitigation strategies that anticipate potential disruptions and provide solutions to minimise their impact. This proactive approach ensures that the organisation continues to operate smoothly throughout the transition period.
  3. Supporting a new way of working – Continuous monitoring and feedback mechanisms enable the organisation to identify and address issues that arise during the transition period, reinforcing new behaviours and practices and preventing a relapse into old ways of working. By fostering a culture of adaptability and continuous improvement, change management integrates the new processes and systems into daily operations. This solidifies the change and prepares the organisation to manage future changes more effectively, making the new way of working a permanent and integral part of the organisational fabric.

Change Management is essential to the successful rollout of shared corporate services. It not only eases the transition for employees by addressing resistance and providing support but also ensures that the change is strategically aligned, and that business continuity is maintained. By prioritising effective change management, organisations can not only implement shared services seamlessly but also unlock their full potential for improved efficiency, collaboration, and long-term performance.

To learn more about shared services in GOJ https://scs.gov.jm/home/

    • Change Management
    • change management