Shared Corporate Services
Project Description
Shared Corporate Services (SCS) involves the consolidation of administrative and support functions that are currently siloed to each MDA. The introduction of SCS will reduce the transactional cost of performing these activities and improve the quality of internal customer service. It will also allow MDAs to focus more on their particular core functions so that they can enhance the delivery of service to their external customers.
There are several functions to be incorporated under the SCS model. They are:
- Human Resource Management
- Information and Communication Technology.
- Asset Management
- Procurement
- Finance and Accounting
- Public Relations and Communications
- Internal Audit
- Project Start Date: June 2017
- Planned Project End Date: January 2024
Key Deliverables

Target Operating Model – a blueprint that describes the future organisation in terms of what it does, where it does it, and how it does it for all the service lines
High Level and Detailed Designs for all service lines
Transition Plans for all service lines
Achievements to Date
- Shared Corporate Servies Jamaica (SCSJ) initiated two pilots that are currently live. ICT Support Services is the ICT driver of SCSJ and Finance and Accounts Shared Services, a financial and accounts hub providing reconciliation services supported by an enhanced GFMS accounting platform
- The completed pilots have proved the efficiency and effectiveness of rolling out a shared service methodology in the GOJ
HRM Transformation
Project Description
The HRM transformation project focuses on improving how the GOJ recruits, manages, and develops employees to support the short, medium and long-term goals of the government. To achieve this, multiple strategies are being employed including:
- The implementation of MyHR+, the integrated HR and payroll information management system
- Review, Standardization and Harmonization of HR Policies
- Development of a Competency Framework for HR
- Review and repurpose performance management and align reward
- Capacity building for the Strategic Human Resource Management Division, Office of the Services Commissions and HR Practitioners
- The introduction of an adaptation of the Ulrich model of HR
- Project Start Date: June 2017
- Planned Project End Date: January 2024
Key Deliverables

- The delivery of the MyHR+, an integrated HR and payroll information management system
- The review, standardisation and harmonisation of HR policies; also the development of a HR competency framework
- Capacity building of SHRMD, Office of the Services Commissions and the HR community
- The introduction and adaptation of the Ulrich model of HR in the public sector
- Training and upskilling of public officers
Achievements to Date
- To date, there are 85 MDAs now utilising the MyHR+ system, with an estimated 85,000 GOJ employees now utilising the platform
- Currently, over 45,000 GOJ employees can also access the Payroll feature on the platform. 66 entities utilise MyHR+ to process payroll-related transactions
- Target GOJ HR Strategy and HR Operating Model structure developed and refined
- Functional profile and HR model organisation structure and attendant role profiles created and standardised
Rationalisation of Public Bodies
Project Description
This project proposes a reduction of the over 190 public bodies, comprising companies, agencies, and statutory bodies, as a critical feature of transforming the public sector. It identifies public bodies for merger, integration into parent ministries, divestment and closure. This is based on duplication or inappropriate delivery of functions, and the existence of entities that had achieved their mandates and need to be closed.
- Project Start Date: June 2017
- Planned Project End Date: January 2024
Key Deliverables

- This pillar will provide a new governance structure for the categorisation of public bodies
- It will generate an action plan for the rationalisation of public bodies including defining the process of categorisation; providing consultation and facilitating implementation
Achievements to Date
- Rationalisation of public bodies continued; the number of public bodies has decreased from 190 to approximately 149 entities
- The National Family Planning Board and the National Council on Drug Abuse approved for integration into the Ministry of Health and Wellness; Legislation passed to integrate Audit Commission functions under the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service
- More feasibility assessment reports completed to guide the rationalisation of public bodies
Compensation Management
Project Description
The compensation management project is a critical pillar of the public sector transformation programme. Specifically, the project seeks to reshape and scope compensation in the public sector through the definition of a compensation policy and philosophy, and the implementation of supporting strategies around improving public sector compensation spend. This will drive the rationalisation of salary structures and allowances across the public sector. It is also envisaged that the project will review and repurpose performance management to create a closer link between performance and reward.
The project has three objectives:
- To create a compensation policy based on a philosophy that supports the GOJ’s strategic plan
- To rationalise the compensation structure across the public sector to ensure workers are adequately compensated
- To develop a review process to ensure the compensation structure is fit for purpose
- Project Start Date: June 2017
- Planned Project End Date: January 2024
Key Deliverables

• Review of the current compensation landscape
• A new job evaluation tool
• A new compensation structure and regrading options
• A compensation philosophy and policy
• An implementation plan for the new compensation system
Achievements to Date
- Most public sector workers have received their compensation packages based on the new 16-band compensation system
- A new proposal for classification simplification and approach towards performance pay developed
- Continued to support staff and pay practitioners in understanding the new system, its tools and output
Public Sector Efficiency and ICT
Project Description
The Public Sector Efficiency and ICT pillar has multiple technologically-related projects that seek to improve the overall productivity and innovation of public sector operations. This includes:
- The implementation of a secure wide area network (WAN) communication infrastructure to connect ministries, departments and agencies in the KMA
- An upgrade to eGOVJa to facilitate flexible and efficient hosting capable of growing with demand as new technologies emerge and are procured
- The implementation of an effective and user-friendly web-based Work Permit System for MLSS
- Creation of an operational integrated licensing and registration information system that captures data, manages it, and provides timely, accurate reports to serve stakeholders of the Fishing Industry, effectively
- Upgrade the ICT infrastructure at PICA through the procurement of new Customer Relationship Management System (CRMS)
- The modernisation of ICT systems across the CPFSA’s network of offices and key partners
- Project Start Date: June 2017
- Planned Project End Date: January 2024
Key Deliverables

GovNet and the Data Centre Upgrade
Implement the backbone infrastructure, connecting nine sites in the KMA and the distribution sites in the KMA
Implement a secure wide-area network connecting the Head Offices of GOJ Ministries and other critical agencies in the Kingston Metropolitan Area
Design and equip a Network Operations Centre to provide on-going management and monitoring capability
Develop a Governance and Management framework for GovNet
Provide appropriate training for eGovJa engineers to enable independent operation and expansion of the network
Work Permit System for MLSS
- The system will support the needs of public and private sector entities that need to fill skills gaps in their labour force externally (overseas)
- It will be designed to be safe, secure, efficient, business-friendly, and client-focused and will be facilitative of investment in areas of need, be informed by labour market intelligence and training and certification needs to close skills gaps in the local economy
- The new system and business process will also strengthen protection against the risk of the work permit system being used for human trafficking and to facilitate acts of terrorism
Fisheries Licence and Registration System
- Stakeholder Needs Assessment Report (SNAR) and Business Process Review (BPR)
- Preparation of System Requirements Specifications of the Licensing and Registration.
- Upgrades to four project offices in Black River, Montego Bay, Twickenham Park and Kingston
- Design and development of the System
- Software and Operational Manuals
- Integration of the system with GIS and Geo-location capability including mobile Applications
- Public Awareness Campaign
- The design, implementation and operationalisaiton of a Customer Relationship Management System for PICA. Management System for PICA
- Increase sales operations of the MDA
- Train staff on newly developed product and service
CPFSA ICT Expansion
- The acquisition of a Mobile Mental Health vehicle.
- Provision of additional Psychological tools/software and accompanying computing devices to administer them to aid the Psychological Unit of the CPFSA
- The acquisition of sensory equipment for five nurseries
- The establishment of a sensory room at Muirton Boys home
- The design and implementation of a Behaviour Modification Programme (BMP) across the agency
Achievements to Date
GovNet and the Data Centre Upgrade
- Approximately 230 entities in the KMA have been migrated to GovNet in 2023. A Network Operations Centre (NOC) was established at eGovJa Limited to monitor and manage the hub
- The new eGovJa Data Centre upgrade is completed. Newly upgraded hardware and software infrastructure has expanded technological capacity, security, and management. The Centre has also established a private cloud platform for the GOJ and improved ICT operations for better disaster recovery
Work Permit System for MLSS
- Development and testing underway for online-based work permit system
- Reengineered Work Permit and CARICOM Skills Certificate processes by standardising process flows for efficacy
Fisheries Licence and Registration System
- A logo competition was held for the design of IrieFINS; the designer of the winning logo was awarded their prize.
- IrieFINS is now live.
- New Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ticketing system, Freshdesk System, implemented PICA Freshsales, the new sales CRM component of Freshdesk, is now live. Fresh Chat and Bot, customer service tools, are active and being utilised by customers
CPFSA ICT Expansion
- The Trauma-Informed Cognitive Behaviour Modification (TICBM) project was completed A sensory room Muirton Boys Home was built out and is currently being used. Other childcare facilities have been upgraded.