A Few Questions With Campaign takes a Closer look at Public Sector Leaders

A Few Questions With Campaign takes a Closer look at Public Sector Leaders

The public sector touches the life of every Jamaican citizen – from schools to roads and paying taxes. Additionally, it is the single largest administration in the country and no private entity can be compared to it. For this and other reasons, leadership in the public sector is critical.

  1. Who are some of these leaders?
  2. How committed are they to building a better public sector for all?

Recently, the Transformation Implementation Unit (TIU), ran a campaign dubbed “A Few Questions With” to give you insights into the quality leadership present in the public sector through the eyes of seven of its leaders.

Click the image below to check out this playlist of the first series of “A Few Questions With” to get to know these leaders better –   their motivation, talents and more. This is the first in the series so stay tuned for more.

GIF showing leaders in public sector interview in Jamaica

    • Public Sector Transformation