MyHR Story: Davia Scott Gray

MyHR Story: Davia Scott Gray

Without a doubt, the ‘H’ in HR also signifies leading with your heart to Mrs. Davia Scott Gray, Human Resource Management and Development at the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport. “The work we do is not just with paper. The paper represents somebody and whatever we do impacts people,” she emphasises.

The often jovial Scott Gray, proudly boasts 23 year years in the public sector, all of which have been served in an HR capacity. She previously had planned to work in Accounts but a chance encounter of being placed in HR at the Ministry of Education by the Office of Services Commissions would unearth her true passion.

Since that faithful day, she has worked at all levels in HR. Now head of HR for her Ministry, she fondly looks back at overcoming her learning curve and firmly states her success was rooted in being open and receptive to new knowledge.

Her biggest take and advice to all HR professional hopefuls? “Once you are willing to learn and your heart is open for others, then, by all means. It is a very rewarding profession and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she shares.

Scott Gray admits the job is not always easy, as it is a people intensive occupation that often deals with the emotional side of working. She acknowledges, “You need to treat each person on their own merit. If you are able to do that and you have a heart for people, then go ahead.”

One of the most noticeable thing about Scott Gray is her dedication to spirituality. She says that her optimistic and positive outlooks come from her deep relationship with God. It guides her professional life and also shapes her habits outside of the workplace. When she is not busy working, she is heavily involved in her church and serves as the national leader of her church’s youth ministry.

Scott Gray is a dynamic individual with an innate passion to serve with love. In all that she does, she uses the advice she received from her late father as her moral compass, “You’re placed where you are for a specific purpose…Do what you need to do, because the Lord did not make any mistakes when he put you there.”

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