TIU Engages Public Sector Employees In Transformation Discourse

Some 150 employees of the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service and its departments and agencies, recently participated in the inaugural ‘Real Talk’ engagement series hosted by the Transformation Implementation Unit (TIU).

The series, which targets all levels of public sector workers, was held via Zoom and provided an opportunity for employees to garner information about the public sector transformation programme being implemented by the TIU.

It also gave them the space to highlight areas in need of reform within their own ministry, department, and agency (MDA) as well as for them to recommend solutions.

Portfolio Minister, Dr. the Hon Nigel Clarke, in delivering the main address, noted that “it’s good to be a part of this series where we aim to engage with you on public sector transformation and why we are embarking on this, and what it means for you and for Jamaica.”

Dr. Clarke highlighted the implementation of the integrated human resource management and payroll system, MyHR+, in 40 MDAs, as one of the successes under the public sector transformation programme, noting that the goal is to implement it across the entire public service.

The Minister said that the management of human resources is the “most critical” aspect of public sector transformation.

“The greatest asset is you, the people, the human resources, and if we are left to manage our human resources using manual outdated systems, we’re going to be left behind,” he noted.

President, Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU), Helene Davis-Whyte, who also addressed the session, endorsed the transformation process.

She said that for the JCTU, transformation means looking at the public sector and taking action to improve service delivery, ensuring that the workers, who are involved in delivering service to citizens, are properly compensated, and that their workplaces are such that they can be proud to be associated with the government service.

Mrs. Davis Whyte pointed out that the JCTU has been integrally involved in the efforts of successive governments in terms of public sector transformation.

“We have come to the point where we are seeking to not just get the buy-in, but that our members will be fully involved in the process and will own this process of public sector transformation, and so we are certainly grateful for this opportunity,” she said.